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Above the Net


Prevent stress, fatigue and injury.


When you want to improve your ability to play your sport you can do two things. Practice your sport or take time to improve the condition of your body. You lift weights to increase strength in your arms and legs and you walk, jog or cycle to increase your endurance. But what about exercising your hands? If you play golf, tennis, baseball, basketball or even video games, wouldn’t it be great to have a better grip or more control in your fingers. That’s what Finger Fitness and Hand Health Unlimited is all about. Our program and products are designed to increase the grip strength and finger flexibility in your hands so that you can improve your game.

Play Better Longer!

If you are in better physical condition you are less likely to suffer from the stress, fatigue and injury that occur from overusing your muscles. We believe this concept can hold true for your hands as well. If you take just a few minutes a day with our convenient products you can build stronger hands that are less prone to injury. If you are injured, we carry user-friendly products for assisting in your recovery and aftercare.


Helpful tools for the Beginner


Mastering a musical instrument can be difficult, especially in the beginning and especially for your hands and fingers. Proper manipulation of a musical instrument requires time and practice. Much of that time is taken up training your fingers to master the complex workings of each particular instrument, but most of that practice is done only on that particular instrument. It can be extremely frustrating venture and many quit after only a few tries. But why quit when there is help?


The “help” comes from conditioning or exercising for the hands and fingers while you are away from your instrument. If you are in better physical condition – stronger and more limber – it is usually easier to do and play anything better. Here at Hand Health Unlimited we have the programs and products to help you get in better tune with your hands and your instrument. Especially helpful are the Finger Fitness Exercises and the Chinese Therapy Balls.


Ensure a Lifetime of Performance


Musicians are notorious for overworking their hands. Many musicians have had to stop or cut back on their playing because their hands are just too sore to play. But what if you could prevent this? If your hands are in better condition you are less likely to suffer from stress, fatigue, and injury. Hand Health Unlimited offers not only the Finger Fitness exercises but other fun and convenient products to keep your hands in shape for a lifetime. It’s never too late to start.

Musicians in formal attire
Art Fun


Ensure Lifelong Use of Your Healthy Hands!

The development of fine motor skills is essential for our survival. During childhood we develop fine motor skills more quickly than any other time in our life. Unfortunately, some skills can be overwhelming and not every child has the same level of ability when learning such things as writing or typing or playing an instrument. Fortunately, there is help. The Finger Fitness exercises presented on this site and in our book and videos are ideal for developing fine motor skills by increasing the strength, coordination and dexterity of the fingers. Plus, they’re fun and easy to do. Kids love them!


Play More!

If your child has suffered from a hand or finger injury and you are looking for something to help their recovery, you have come to the right place. The rehab products on this site have been selected because they are easy to use. We also have the right products to help the injured hand or finger not only regain it’s strength and coordination but increase it as well. Your child should be able to return to their everyday activities sooner than without any assistance.


Decrease the effects of aging.

You may not be a kid any more but that doesn’t mean you use your hands any less. You are still typing on the computer, playing sports, and performing everyday tasks like opening a jar, but your hands may not feel as young as they use to or perform like they use to. With age comes deterioration, especially if it is coupled with inactivity. Your quality of life may begin to stuff. Exercise has been a proven boost to people of all ages. Keeping active prevents muscle deterioration and atrophy. Why not include exercise for the part of the body we use the most – the hands?


Stay active longer.

Our Finger Fitness program and Hand Health products are designed to help seniors in the following ways. First, the Finger Fitness exercises are ideal for retaining fine motor skills by increasing the strength, coordination and dexterity of the fingers. They are fun and easy and can be done any time any where! Second, our other products can be helpful in building hand, wrist and forearm strength and in turn reducing the likelihood of stress, fatigue and injury.

Seniors Enjoying Group Activity

Computer users

Prevent stress, fatigue and injury.

Today’s high tech world is a very “hand-intensive” one. The increased use of computers, tablets and phones has only increased the demands on our hands and yet few of us take the time to improve the physical condition of the hand until it is too late. The occurrence of hand injuries continues to increase and yet we cannot afford to lose the use of our hands. It could mean the loss of the ability to complete everyday tasks such as typing on a computer. It could even mean the temporary or permanent loss of employment.


Ensure Lifelong Use of Your Healthy Hands!

If you are in better physical condition you are less likely to suffer from the stress, fatigue and injury that occur from overusing your muscles. We believe this concept can hold true for your hands as well. If you take just a few minutes a day with our convenient products you can build stronger hands that are less prone to injury. If you are injured, we carry user-friendly products for assisting in your recovery and aftercare.

helpful tools

This bundle is a perfect start to improve hand strength, limberness, coordination and finger independence. It includes The Complete Hand Workout Video, Fiddllink, Chinese Therapy Balls, and VARIGRIP. To see tools for athletes, or to learn more about this package, click the link below!



30 Seconds on Our Programs

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